編號: c85471
刊登日期: 2018-08-13 16:48:41
學生性別: M
地址: 金龍臺 (近天后站), 天后 
學生程度: 中四
補習科目: 英文
補習資料: 任何1天,每堂 2小時, 平日4.30pm或以後, 六/日待議
星期一至五: 每星期1堂, 每堂2.00小時, 每小時100至130元
特別要求: 男女均可, 請列明可上課日子時間

冇時間? 想介紹比朋友做? Share比佢啦!!
  導師編號 留言時間及內容 競投學費
1 t34394 [M] (2018-06-14)
1) Very experienced 22-year secondary school teacher 2) Have been teaching DSE English, Liberal Studies, Chinese for 10 years 3) Have been a tutor of primary and secondary school students for 10 years 4) Help to excel in school works 5) Provide effective notes and practices for improvements 6) Aim at Level 4 (Credit) or above 7) Whatsapp contacts after tuitions are welcomed *Once a week. **$300 per hour is expected.
2 t31976 [F]
本人畢業於香港理工大學中英雙語學系,主修中英翻譯,有多年上門補習經驗,尤對小朋友有愛心及耐性,善於啟發他們對學業的自發能力及改善他們的學習態度 正從事私人補習工作,深得家長及僱主愛戴
3 t20082 [F] (2018-06-15)
本人為理工大學畢業生,有五年補習經驗, 主要為中小學生補習英文。本人善於與學生溝通,暸解學生常遇到問題的地方,可補時間為星期六,希望 貴家長能夠給予機會。
4 t15419 [F] (2018-06-26)
Overseas University graduated in Canada. Lived and studied abroad with fluent English. Studied at DGS with grade A in English. Familiar with IELTS, DSE, SAT, TOEFFL, able to provide helpful tips on examination techniques. Over 15 years of teaching to primary and secondary students including band 1 and international schools. Confident in enhancing students' interest in learning through effective teaching methods. Guarantee significant improvement.
5 t47427 [F] (2018-06-26)
你好 本人曾於港島名校就讀,現正於英國大學主修數學,去年在A Level公開試中於數學科考獲A*成績。不過小學至中五也於香港就讀,因此對香港考綱亦瞭如指掌。本人曾作個人和群組補習,對日常功課跟進亦無問題。本人相信對學生有豐富的耐性,能為學生清晰解釋概念。
6 t30035 [F]
本人乃香港樹仁大學一級榮譽畢業生,主修經濟及金融,亦曾經在一間英文中學就讀。 畢業後至現在任職期間,本人一直進修學術相關(如金融/普通話/英語等)的課程。 本人至今已累積約8年補習經驗,主要教授小學到初中全科。 本人熱心教學,重視學生的德行,對學生因材施教,自備相應的教材矛學生,因此本人深信能勝任導師一職。
7 t46776 [F]
Graduated from Marymount Secondary School, I am currently studying in the UK. With opportunities to immerse in an English-speaking environment, I am fluent in conversational and written English. In addition to my proficiency in English, I obtained a 5* in DSE Liberal Studies (LS). I have a collection of English and Mathematics past papers from a number of prestigious primary schools. I am confident in taking up related subjects in both primary and junior secondary levels. Patience and passion towards working with kids and teenagers are the key to being a successful tutor. I am responsible and punctual, and am prepared to tailor resources for students.