編號: c83686
刊登日期: 2017-09-01 16:35:56
學生性別: F
地址: 慧景園 (小巴14M銅鑼灣蘭芳道直到), 大坑 
學生程度: 中一
補習科目: 數學 [IB課程]
補習資料: Maths
星期一至五: 每星期1堂, 每堂1.00小時, 每小時200至300元
星期六至日: 每星期1堂, 每堂1.00小時, 每小時200至300元
特別要求: English Speacking

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  導師編號 留言時間及內容 競投學費
1 t28117 [M] (2017-09-01)
2 t45635 [M]
1991 graduated in Warwick (UK) University with Master degree in Engineering. Over 20 years experiences as private tutor for teaching DSE (fm F.4 to F.6), IB (higher and standard level) and GCE (AS/AL) students on Maths / M1/ M2 and Physics. With great passion, it has been able to assist students for being logical thinking to solve examination questions. Apart from that, I have currently some students who will take IB examination next year. Right now, I spoken English to explain all Maths concepts and how to calcuate the correct answer via. the whole lesson as this student don't know Chinese, only English tutor as well.
3 t45906 [F] (2017-09-01)
本人於港島英中畢業,其後在大學修讀工商管理,考獲一級榮譽成績(並於同屆畢業生中以第1名成績畢業),更通過國家語委普通話水平測試,能以英語及普通話上課,主補小學至初中數學及全科,高中及大專商科。 我有6年初中及小學全科、英文及數學補習經驗,亦曾教導高中及大專商科科目,而且有幫助過讀寫障礙學生,現有數名高小及初中的學生(可全英/普通話上課),會根據學生需要準備教材,壇長以生動例子解釋複雜的課題,更會教授技巧,方便學生理解及掌握,不鼓勵只死記書本內容與公式,學生經指導後表示學習內容更清楚易明,亦會定時與家長溝通學生學習情況,獲家長信賴,補習時間可商議,希望閣下考慮。
4 t21882 [F] (2017-09-02)
5 t46373 [M]
An Year 2 undergraduate student from the Chinese University of Hong Kong taking Professional Accountancy as major. I have taken 5** in mathematics and 5* for Mathematics extended part module2. Besides my strengths are to teach in a systematic way. Essential exam skills will be provided in the lessons and the difficulty will be adjusted according to the students capabilities. Moreover, I have got a cumulative GPA above 3.5 in my first semester. salary:300/Hour. 我只用成績說話 因材施教 mainly on saturdays and sundays.
6 t38013 [F]
本人為現職中學教師,畢業於香港科技大學,主修數學,已有7年補習經驗。會考數學及附加數均取得A級,對初中電腦有一定認識, 能有效教授學生考試要點. $350/hr
7 t05781 [M]
15 years teaching experience in band 1 secondary schools. Doctor in mathematical physics. P.C.Edu. (HKU) 9 years tutoring experience. Experienced in tutoring international and local school students. HKCEE Phy (A), Chem(A), Bio(A), Math(A). GCE A-level Phy (A), Chem(A), Math(A).
8 t37580 [M]
本人現職數學老師,於英國留學多年,畢業於英國前15名的老牌大學。中、小學皆畢業於Band 1 的英文學校,數學科更屢獲全級第一,本導師有一套教學心得,使讀書變得更有策略性,而非盲目背書。本導師亦有近8年的教授經驗,深明現今學生的不足!本導師有不少仍在初、高中的朋友,使本人絕對了解市場對補習老師的要求和各考試的要求,亦相信本人能夠與貴 子女相處融洽。本人曾替不同中、小學生補習,當中不乏名校生,本人皆使其獲得進步。本人積極、主動、守時、盡責,能更有效引導貴子女學習。望能給予本人一個使貴 子女的成績更上一層樓的機會!Nothing is impossible!
9 t47533 [M]
本人陳 sir 是全職補習導師,11年教學和改卷經驗,海外大學碩士畢業(均考取A), 擁有專業會計證書,母語是英語和中文,現有多名本地名校和國際學校學生。本人教學方法實用易明有耐性,也可以提供全英語模式上堂。另外學習上也會有補充練習和考試技巧提供。
10 t33817 [M]
Hi. I have completed HKIEd course. I am teacher. I have 31 years tutor experience and successfully helped university tuition students for them to promote. HKU, HKPU etc have admitted my male and female tuition students. My tuition students have become first in classes. For students to attain in competition organised by The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education and examinations etc, I tailor fit exercises and helpful skills to ease students’ usage, thinking and memory. Parents and students appreciate. I have 2 HKU Master of Science degrees and am good at Maths.