編號: c83206
刊登日期: 2017-06-21 02:32:02
學生性別: M
地址: 都會駅, 調景嶺 
學生程度: 小四
補習科目: 英文
補習資料: 任何1天,每堂 1.5小時, 平日5.00pm或以後, 六/日待議
星期一至五: 每星期1堂, 每堂1.50小時, 每小時100至120元
特別要求: 最好有外國留學經驗

冇時間? 想介紹比朋友做? Share比佢啦!!
  導師編號 留言時間及內容 競投學費
1 t46762 [M]
本人畢業於九龍英中聖若瑟英文中學並同時為2013年的香港中學文憑試應考生,隨後到英國劍橋貝勒比斯學院以「優等」成績 修畢大學基礎課程 (法律),現為讀英國伯明翰大學法律學院法律學士(榮譽)課程三年級生,將於六月初回港放假,將在本年七月畢業,隨後將會長期定居香港繼續修讀法律相關研究生課程。 本人擅長英文科,於2013年香港中學文憑試英文卷取得平均成績 4 及於2016年國際英語水平測試(IELTS)考獲平均成績7.5分 (此成績,根據香港考試及評核局的基準研究,相當於文憑試英文科的平均成績5*。) 除可以教授小一到中三全科 高中英國語文、化學及通識科外,另外還提供國際英語水平測試(IELTS)、香港公務員綜合招聘考試中英文水平測試、香港公務員基本法測試; 法學專業入學資格考試和英國法學院入學能力傾向測試課程。 於英國留學生活4年及曾在香港及北京各大律師事務所和辦事處工作,能操流利英式英文及普通話、教授商業和法律英語,可以提供英文會話和普通話課程和,能以全英文和普通話上課。 本人教學經驗豐富,可以提供筆記,從理論理解、根基補底到應試策略均可教授。
2 t37367 [F] (2017-06-03)
I graduated in the UK and had worked as a translator before teaching English at international schools. Having got a postgraduate education qualification in teaching English and a master’s degree in translation and interpretation, I tutor local mainstream and international school students in both English Language and Literature in English. I have experience in teaching English literacy skills (including reading, phonics, speaking, writing and listening) to students at all levels. I’m available on the days as mentioned in your post.
3 t46671 [F] (2017-06-06)
Being a form six student at Maryknoll Convent School, I am competent in English. I have been excelling in this subject since I was in primary. I have taken Literature in English in my senior form and have been getting satisfactory results. Although I am not yet an university student, I am confident to assure you my language proficiency. It is therefore my earnest hope that you will consider me as one of your many choices! :)
4 t46640 [F]
嘉諾撒聖家書院的中六生,主修英國文學,經濟及歷史科 (Electives Predicted Grade: 5*) LS: 5*, Maths: 5* 排行為全級首十名內,曾獲英文科獎學金,英文(PG: 5**)排名為全級第4。 了解文憑試各科目答題技巧和要訣 精通私人教授小學全科,中學英數通 擅長教授英語閱讀,寫作,聆聽,數學等 兩年資歷,有筆記,Exercise, 5** Sample for writing 現在也有為小三五六及中二五學生補習 歡迎來電查詢
5 t46723 [F]
本人現正於香港科技大學工商管理系就讀一年級,於Band 1英文中學畢業,文憑試考獲22分成績。本人具私補經驗,亦於小型補習社有一年補習經驗,有愛心耐性。另外亦考獲鋼琴演奏二級資格(LTCL)及LCCI二級Distinction,歡迎聯絡本人。
6 t46671 [F] (2017-06-22)
1. A form six student from Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section). 2. Competent in both written and spoken English. 3. Have been teaching oral, writing, phonics, IELTS etc. for more than 2 years. 4. Current students range from pre-kindergartens to adults. 5. Have taken Literature in English and have been getting satisfactory results. 6. It is my earnest hope that you will consider me as one of your many choices. :)
7 t46820 [F] (2017-06-24)
有上門和補習社教學經驗,主要教英文,數學和科學。 曾在澳洲留學,有外國口音。澳洲公開試成績:英文A,數學A,生物B,化學B 。曾考IELTS並獲得8.0佳績。
8 t46834 [F]
本人為本屆(2017)DSE考生,就讀庇理羅士女子中學。學校預測英文 5**,中文 5,LS 5*。本人會就著學生進度準備教學材料,細心和有耐性地教導學生,並會盡力解答學生的問題。補習時間十分有彈性,可遷就學生需要。
9 t15419 [F] (2017-07-11)
Overseas University graduated in Canada. Lived and studied abroad with fluent English. Studied at DGS with grade A in English. Familiar with IELTS, DSE, SAT, TOEFFL, able to provide helpful tips on examination techniques. Over 15 years of teaching to primary and secondary students including band 1 and international schools. Confident in enhancing students' interest in learning through effective teaching methods. Guarantee significant improvement.
10 t46867 [M]
11 t15419 [F] (2017-08-29)
Overseas University graduated in Canada. Lived and studied abroad with fluent English. Studied at DGS with grade A in English. Familiar with IELTS, DSE, SAT, TOEFFL, able to provide helpful tips on examination techniques. Over 15 years of teaching to primary and secondary students including band 1 and international schools. Confident in enhancing students' interest in learning through effective teaching methods. Guarantee significant improvement.