編號: c78492
刊登日期: 2015-12-16 14:07:40
學生性別: M
地址: 銅鑼灣公眾地方, 銅鑼灣 
學生程度: 成人
補習科目: 英文 Oral
補習資料: 六日待議
星期六至日: 每星期1堂, 每堂1.50小時, 每小時200至220元
特別要求: 男女均可, 請列明可上課日子時間

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1 t43165 [M]
補習簡介 ///學歷/// 本人為2014年第三屆文憑試考生,於油尖旺區BAND 1英中九龍華仁書院畢業,正就讀香港科技大學工商管理系二年級,熟悉文憑試的制度。高中時亦有修習Physics, Chemistry, Economics, 因此對理科有深入理解。 ///英文能力/// 本人從小就讀以英文授課的中、小學,英文能力及會話不俗,能操流利英式口音英文,亦可以跟學生分享香港學生學習英文的困難和心得。 ///經驗及教材/// 本人現有為高中及小學生補習英文及數學,經本人指導後,學生成績以及班中的名次均有所提升。除時以外,我有為學生編寫高中英文教材,讓學生更容易理解且溫習。我亦有大量英、數、化學及經濟科的教材及練習,好使學生更熟習考試題目。 ///可教科目/// 英、數、化學、經濟及英文會話
2 t39514 [F] (2015-12-22)
I hold dual citizenship in Britain and Hong Kong and speak both English and Chinese, and therefore would be able to explain in Cantonese as a second resolution if the student could not catch what I mean in full English. During my years of study at HKU, I picked up tutoring as a part-time job and hence am very experienced in teaching students of a wide range of backgrounds at all levels. My cheerful and easygoing personality tends to facilitate the friendly environment that encourages and boosts their confidence in oral speaking. I am usually available at weekends. Thank you!
3 t45194 [F]
本人畢業於葵青區重點英中(中華傳道會安柱中學),現為香港大學文學院學士,雙主修語言學及英文,英語會話考獲DSE 5*、畢業試A+的成績,且有2年英文補習經驗。現為三名不同程度的中學生、一名成人的英文補習老師,盡責且有耐性,望有幸為閣下效勞。
4 t45223 [F]
5 t23765 [F]
Hi, I am Fonnie. I have studied at The University of Wolverhampton (UK) and Chinese University for Law and Translation. I can speak fluent English, French, Mandarin and Cantonese and also some Japanese and Italian. I have about 8 years on tutoring advanced English & Maths & Chinese. At present, I am available anytime on Saturdays from 1:00 - 5:00pm. My requested hour salary is HK$220.
6 t44724 [F] (2016-01-22)
提早退休英文科高級課程主任,曾參與小學及初中教育局英文科教改課程發展,熟識小學至中三的英文科內容及要求. 1. 現誠意為中小學生提供全科功課輔導, 每課 1.5小時, 學費每小時 HK$ 150 起. 2.可小組形式 ( 2-4),每課: P.1-P.4 HK$ 200, P.5-P.6 HK $ 250 . 3. 另小學及初中英文專科技巧訓練 : 聽, 說,讀,寫 . 學費每小時 HK $ 160 起, 可2人一組. 4. 上門或到跑馬地, 山光道,本人住處上課 .
7 t43920 [F] (2016-02-26)
8 t45184 [F]
Hello, I am a registered pharmacist in the United Kingdom. I can speak fluent English and Chinese. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to have tutorials with me.
9 t37063 [F] (2016-04-07)
I am a year 4 student studying at Poly U. I used to study at a well-known EMI school (Good Hope School) for 11 years. After that I went to study at an international school for 2 years. Therefore, I can speak very fluent English. I got 5 in CE Eng ( 5* in oral paper), C in UE ( A in speaking and grammar) and 7.5/9 in IELTS. I have been teaching English for more than 5 years (including IELTS).
10 t45513 [F]
In regard of Academic achievement, I graduated from University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom in BA (Hons) Finance, Accounting and Management. I was awarded the BP Achievement Award and Nottingham Business School International Student Scholarship. I graduated from Belilios Public School, a prestigious and traditional English medium speaking girl’s school. In A Level Use of English Examination, I scored “A” in the Listening and Reading and Language Systems paper. In Cert Level, I scored “A” in the Writing paper. I was awarded the Certificate of Merit in the English Writing Competition organized by Australia Education Link as well as Certificate of Merit, Second Runner Up in Solo Verse Speaking organized by the Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association.
11 t25443 [F] (2016-04-21)
本人是全職老師,有10年私人中小學補習經驗。 教學理念為 "有教無類,因材施教",提供上門私人補習服務。 學生包括 Band 1 學校,國際學校,港島名校。 現於香港公開大學主修英文。 中五畢業於銅鑼灣聖保祿學校 St. Paul's Convent School。 中七畢業於藍田聖保祿中學 St. Paul's School (Lam Tin)。 高考成績 (HKALE)︰英文為B。 會考成績 (HKCEE)︰英文,中文為C。 畢業後取得商業學文憑與會計文憑,有超過二十年外資公司(怡和集團)工作經驗。 日常工作溝通以英語,廣東話為主。 補習時間: 星期六早上9-12點
12 t45632 [F] (2016-05-09)
Hello, I m Thalia. I studied English in Hong Kong Institute of Education and I love English so much that I developed my own ways to learn it. If you want to improve your English, there are actually lots of fun ways to do it and my teaching focus has always been practical English. My lessons will equip you to be able to communicate in English easily ( with native speakers as well) and write in formal English if that's also what you want to be focusing on. I got 8 in my ielts exam and A in my Alevel writing paper. Hard work and passion are as equal when it comes to learning, I wish my lessons would help you with both:) cheers!
13 t25443 [F] (2016-05-19)
本人是全職老師,有10年私人中小學補習經驗。 教學理念為 "有教無類,因材施教",提供上門私人補習服務。 學生包括 Band 1 學校,國際學校,港島名校。 現於香港公開大學主修英文。 中五畢業於銅鑼灣聖保祿學校 St. Paul's Convent School。 中七畢業於藍田聖保祿中學 St. Paul's School (Lam Tin)。 高考成績 (HKALE)︰英文為B。 會考成績 (HKCEE)︰英文,中文為C。 畢業後取得商業學文憑與會計文憑,有超過二十年外資公司(怡和集團)工作經驗。 日常工作溝通以英語,廣東話為主。 補習時間: 星期六早上9-12點
14 t43652 [M]
MBA 工商管理學碩士。畢業於美國大學,獲授「一級榮譽」;主修「MBA 工商管理學碩士」,「心理學」和「社會學」(GPA: 3.58)。中學是Band 1, 主修理科。


此外,我曾任職小學教師。擁有超過七年的教育經驗。現全職補習,擁有一套獨特的教法。我對教學認真,我會盡我所能來幫助學生,同時履行我的職責。現在17 位學生,由小學至大專都有。大部分為國際學校學生。有 Victoria Shanghai Academy (VSA), Hong Kong International School (HKIS), South Island School, Bradbury School, Raimondi College (高主教書院) 等等。


社會學家庭(Sociology of the Family):A (G.P.A.: 4.00 / 4.00)

科學社會 (Science for Society):A (G.P.A.: 4.00 / 4.00)

個人與社會(Individual and Society):A (G.P.A.: 4.00 / 4.00)

水科學(Science of Water):A (G.P.A.: 4.00 / 4.00)

生活科學(The Science of Everyday Life):A (G.P.A.: 4.00 / 4.00)

英語寫作(English Composition):A (G.P.A.: 4.00 / 4.00)
15 t33995 [F]
本人大學工商管理碩士畢業, 聖保祿書院畢業, 曾補習成人英語會話,住銅鑼灣, 請聯絡我, 郭老師, 謝謝!
16 t45416 [M]
你好, 本人就讀香港科技大學商業管理二年級,明白學生需要,現正為數所名校學生補習,會輔以筆記教導。 與此同時,本人也深明學生的需要,故會以生動的教學模式增加互動,望能提高學生的吸收效率。 望予以機會。
17 t40869 [M]
本人為愛丁堡大學碩士畢業生,考獲CFA 2級,擁有多年補習經驗,學生來至小學至高中。由於本人之中英文口試在會考及高級程度會考中均取得A,故有幸獲母校邀請當英文口語導師。 另外,本人亦擅長教授高中會計及經濟,希望閣下能賜予機會,本人定當竭力授課。
18 t46213 [F] (2016-11-06)
Hi, I graduated from MSc Clinical Psychology and have been staying in UK for more than 7 years. I have 6 years of tutoring experience, include teaching primary students/ secondary students and students who are taking GCSE (in UK).I am confident in using my proven psychological skills and experiences to help students gain their confident, handle stress and provide advice. I also wrote individual tutoring plan in accordance to the individual needs of students. I also help older students to prepare for lelts. I am currently tutoring hong kong students.
19 t44767 [F]
本人為言語病理學榮譽學士生,於dse以及ielts皆考獲理想成績,其中ielts更考獲8分(滿分為9分,相等於dse5**,CEFR C2,dse English oral 亦考獲5**的佳績) 居住地點相近,歡迎到本人住處或到閣下住處上課
20 t48030 [M] (2019-08-27)
A fluent English speaker: * Always socialise and interact with native speakers in Australia including those people coming from European countries * Being a leader in a local non-profit organisation over 50+ people who are native speakers and collaborate on projects * Worked as an accounting intern using English as a medium of communication * Mentored new chef on food preparation and order management in a local restaurant in AUS and working with native English speakers My lessons aimed for: • Professionals seek to improve their English speaking for interview and career advancement • Students who do not have too much opportunities to speak English and seek to top up their speaking abilities
21 t48030 [M] (2019-09-02)
A fluent English speaker: * Always socialise and interact with native speakers in Australia including those people coming from European countries * Being a leader in a local non-profit organisation over 50+ people who are native speakers and collaborate on projects * Worked as an accounting intern using English as a medium of communication * Mentored new chef on food preparation and order management in a local restaurant in AUS and working with native English speakers My lessons aimed for: • Professionals seek to improve their English speaking for interview and career advancement • Students who do not have too much opportunities to speak English and seek to top up their speaking abilities
22 t48030 [M] (2019-09-04)
A fluent English speaker: * Always socialise and interact with native speakers in Australia including those people coming from European countries * Being a leader in a local non-profit organisation over 50+ people who are native speakers and collaborate on projects * Worked as an accounting intern using English as a medium of communication * Mentored new chef on food preparation and order management in a local restaurant in AUS and working with native English speakers My lessons aimed for: • Professionals seek to improve their English speaking for interview and career advancement • Students who do not have too much opportunities to speak English and seek to top up their speaking abilities
23 t48258 [F]
自介: I am a native English speaker (American). 您好!本人畢業於香港傳統名校St. Paul's Convent School, 且獲得5所英國名大學offer (Durham, Birmingham, Loughborough, Leeds, Kent). 成績:IELTS 8, DSE (學校預測) English 5**,中文 5*, IGCSE 英文考獲 A*,中文A*,數學A*。此外,本人也曾擔任SCMP YP 記者和學校英語辯論代表,也擁有2年教導幼兒,中小學生經驗(學校,補習機構)。本人精通英語(美式),廣東話及普通話,亦會IPA,Phonics, 拼音。 教學特色: 會以互動交談方式啟發學生多角度思考,並會以度身訂做方法協助學生應付考試,同時也會引入Two-sided Debate,Decoding等專業學習方法促進學生表達組織能力。補習時會營造出有趣互動的環境,會提供筆記,練習及模擬試卷。
24 t15419 [F] (2022-08-16)
Over 20 years of experience in teaching English. Students range from International to Band 1 schools. Graduated at York University in Canada. Finished primary and secondary schools at DGS with grade A in English. Guarantee significant improvement and confident in enhancing students English skills in all areas.
25 t49090 [M] (2023-10-26)
2019 Ielts Oral level 9 English Major HKDSE predict grade (5**) Fluent in Chinese Canto and English Flexible schedule for teaching Male 21 years old