編號: c77585
刊登日期: 2015-10-06 11:21:35
學生性別: M
地址: 晉名峰, 火炭 
學生程度: 小三
補習科目: 英文ORAL
補習資料: 任何2天,每堂 1.5小時, 平日5.00pm或以後 [ $200/1.5hrs ]
星期一至五: 每星期2堂, 每堂1.50小時, 每小時130元
特別要求: 女導師, 請列明可上課日子時間

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  導師編號 留言時間及內容
1 t45041 [F] (2015-10-20)
現為中文大學工商管理二年級,畢業於Band 1英文中學,中學多以英文溝通,於英國公開試GCSE中獲英文A的優異成績,IELTS Speaking亦考獲7分。有四年補習經驗(包括中小學學生),有以英語授課之經驗,能以互動形式傳授英文Oral之技巧。與家長學生關係良好,能為學生整理筆記及授予學習心得。
2 t45324 [F]
您好,本人陰英語能力突出,IELTS 獲7.5分,父親為澳大利亞人,口語交流流利發音標準,希望可以幫到您。
3 t45467 [F]
Hi, I am a Chinese-Canadian and I speak fluent in English, Cantonese and Mandarin. I am a graduate from McMaster University with a Bachelor Degree of Linguistics and Psychology. I have experience in teaching young children with English. I am very patient, responsible and I get along well with children. Thank you for your consideration.
4 t45525 [F]
5 t45949 [F] (2016-07-10)
我剛畢業於國際學校 (2016),在應屆I B國際文憑中取得43/45 (全世界頭1% ), 並考進了港大醫學院。我也曾在拔萃女書院讀了6年。 在中學時期, 我是學校的領袖生, 並曾參與模擬聯合國, 多項義工服務(主要是教授幼稚園學生和幫小學學生全科補習), 因此從而培養出良好的溝通能力。 我正於私人補習社擔任暑期英文,數學班導師, 學生由小一至中四不等。
6 t43103 [F]
本人現就讀浸大傳理三年級 曾考獲 DSE中英文5**成績,強項為中英文閱讀、寫作、聆聽及說話 已有六年導師經驗,對象為高中生為主,有大量試題及應試技巧 有耐性並以鼓勵學生為重
7 t48030 [M] (2019-08-27)
A fluent English speaker: * Always socialise and interact with native speakers in Australia including those people coming from European countries * Being a leader in a local non-profit organisation over 50+ people who are native speakers and collaborate on projects * Worked as an accounting intern using English as a medium of communication * Mentored new chef on food preparation and order management in a local restaurant in AUS and working with native English speakers My lessons aimed for: • Professionals seek to improve their English speaking for interview and career advancement • Students who do not have too much opportunities to speak English and seek to top up their speaking abilities
8 t48030 [M] (2019-09-02)
A fluent English speaker: * Always socialise and interact with native speakers in Australia including those people coming from European countries * Being a leader in a local non-profit organisation over 50+ people who are native speakers and collaborate on projects * Worked as an accounting intern using English as a medium of communication * Mentored new chef on food preparation and order management in a local restaurant in AUS and working with native English speakers My lessons aimed for: • Professionals seek to improve their English speaking for interview and career advancement • Students who do not have too much opportunities to speak English and seek to top up their speaking abilities
9 t48030 [M] (2019-09-04)
A fluent English speaker: * Always socialise and interact with native speakers in Australia including those people coming from European countries * Being a leader in a local non-profit organisation over 50+ people who are native speakers and collaborate on projects * Worked as an accounting intern using English as a medium of communication * Mentored new chef on food preparation and order management in a local restaurant in AUS and working with native English speakers My lessons aimed for: • Professionals seek to improve their English speaking for interview and career advancement • Students who do not have too much opportunities to speak English and seek to top up their speaking abilities