編號: c83107
刊登日期: 2017-05-31 16:49:25
學生性別: F
地址: 太古城, 太古 
學生程度: 中一
補習科目: 英文
補習資料: 1天,每堂1.5-2小時, 平日4.00pm或以後
星期一至五: 每星期1堂, 每堂2.00小時, 每小時110至140元
特別要求: 女導師, 請列明可上課日子時間

冇時間? 想介紹比朋友做? Share比佢啦!!
  導師編號 留言時間及內容 競投學費
1 t15419 [F] (2017-05-16)
Overseas University graduated in Canada. Lived and studied abroad with fluent English. Studied at DGS with grade A in English. Familiar with DSE, SAT, TOEFFL, able to provide helpful tips on examination techniques. Over 15 years of teaching to primary and secondary students including band 1 and international schools. Confident in enhancing students' interest in learning through effective teaching methods. Guarantee significant improvement.
2 t37367 [F] (2017-05-16)
I graduated in the UK and had worked as a translator before teaching English at international schools. Having got a postgraduate education qualification in teaching English and a master’s degree in translation and interpretation, I tutor local mainstream and international school students in both English Language and Literature in English. I have experience in teaching English literacy skills (including reading, phonics, speaking, writing and listening) to students at all levels. I’m available on the days as mentioned in your post.
3 t31805 [F] (2017-05-16)
本人為理工大學電腦系碩士畢業生, 會考: 中英數皆獲A, 27分。 Band 1 英文中學畢業 (張祝珊英文中學 F1-5 & 英皇書院 F6-7)。 曾往澳洲做交流生。 流利英文(可以英文授課 & 熟習英文音標 Phonics); 普通話為母語(國家語委會普通話水平測試成績: 二級甲<89.1分> & 熟習拼音); 流利廣東話和閩南話。 全職補習, 多年補習經驗。學生包括本地及國際學校學生。
4 t44432 [F]
本人現為公開大學英語研究二年級生,已考獲八級鋼琴,本人在校內成績良好,在2015 DSE中文說話5**,通識LV4, 操行優異,有耐性、細心、對教學充滿熱誠,盼能解決學童在學科上遇到的疑難。本人也了解學童在學科面對的困難、中學課程內容,也為小一至小六學童、初中至高中學童補習,大專改文服務,有兩年教學經驗。(英小、中小、英中、中中) 本人也會針對學童的需要而協助家長購買優質的練習,自擬試題和答題技巧令學童在時間分配及答題上有充分的把握,增加學童在學習上的自信心。 本人會緊貼學童的進度,並且重溫以往知識,毎堂都會有課堂重點,令學童清楚明白課堂的內容,方便學童日後自己再重溫。
5 t46671 [F] (2017-05-19)
Being a form six student at Maryknoll Convent School, I am competent in English. I have been excelling in this subject since I was in primary. I have taken Literature in English in my senior form and have been getting satisfactory results. Although I am not yet an university student, I am confident to assure you my language proficiency. It is therefore my earnest hope that you will consider me as one of your many choices! :)
6 t46732 [F] (2017-05-20)
dse eng5** native english speaker. female university student. can teach sentence structure, vocabulary, grammar. tue 4pm
7 t46147 [F]
就讀港島傳統Band 1英文中學 現就讀大專法律學課程 中學時期修讀BAFS 歷史 英國文學 中英文成績優異 有在Kumon補習社工作經驗 現有4個補習學生 甚有經驗 為人有耐性 能循循善誘教導學生 而且有大量notes提供 本人時間十分鬆動 可互相遷就時間
8 t46742 [F] (2017-05-24)
Nice to meet you! It's Eunice speaking. I have gained a LEVEL 5 IN ENGLISH FROM S4 TO S6 and an OVERALL BAND SCORE OF 7.5 IN IELTS. I have just taken the HKDSE Examination and am going to graduate from Sacred Heart Canossian College in a few months. Having been volunteering at the Caritas (明愛) for around 4 years, I have been, not only tutoring, but also learning with my dearest students (P.1 - P.6) on the ground that I guide him and her and, most importantly, accompany them through their journeys of acquiring knowledge, and vice versa as well.
9 t46741 [F]
Hello I am Joyce:) I just graduated from St.Stephen's Girls' College. 本人認為要在高中英文取得優異成績,關鍵在於初中.本人英文根基不錯,從小學習Phonics,能操一口流利英語,可訓練學生由中一起說流利的英語及日後的oral(presentation,group discussion,individual presentation)的 技巧:) 本人亦早在小學時報考Cambridge Flyers,KET and PET ,以自學方式預備亦能取得不錯的成績,而且本人grammar foundation 十分強,亦能清楚解釋當中分別,解釋misconceptions.大部份身邊的同學在作文時grammar,tenses錯漏百出,皆因初中沒有打好根基,所以本人會較著重grammar方面的操練,亦會教授不同的詞語(wide range of vocab),以豐富文章. 於comprehension方面,本人亦能提供協助.因為在中四時報考IELTS,其中reading一卷更獲得8.5接近滿分(9)的佳績,而IELTS reading中,文章的難度比DSE還深,所以本人有信心可以幫助學生應付中學DSE英文課程:) 另外,本人於高中英文SBA( in form of oral)?連續兩次奪得差一至兩分的佳績,故此能肯定自己的英語能力能夠用作全力幫助您的小朋友英文成績更上一層樓! 期盼家長給予机會讓我親身指導:)謝謝!
10 t46678 [F] (2017-05-27)
I am graduated from Sacred Heart Canossian College and currently a year 1 Science student of the University of Hong Kong. I have been teaching in a tutorial centre for a year and responsible for all subjects of primary and junior secondary students. Hoping for your kind consideration regarding my application. 本人於嘉諾撒聖心書院畢業,現正就讀香港大學理學系一年級。有補習社補習經驗,主要教授小學及初中全科。本人有耐性及責任心,亦會準備筆記,希望能給予機會。
11 t46759 [F] (2017-05-31)
本人畢業於瑪利曼中學。現為香港大學言語及聽覺科學一年級生。2016 DSE Eng: Level 5*。可以提供功課輔導、練習等。希望貴家長能給予機會。
12 t44432 [F]
本人現為公開大學英語研究二年級生,已考獲八級鋼琴,本人在校內成績良好,在2015 DSE中文說話5**,通識LV4, 操行優異,有耐性、細心、對教學充滿熱誠,盼能解決學童在學科上遇到的疑難。本人也了解學童在學科面對的困難、中學課程內容,也為小一至小六學童、初中至高中學童補習,大專改文服務,有兩年教學經驗。(英小、中小、英中、中中) 本人也會針對學童的需要而協助家長購買優質的練習,自擬試題和答題技巧令學童在時間分配及答題上有充分的把握,增加學童在學習上的自信心。 本人會緊貼學童的進度,並且重溫以往知識,毎堂都會有課堂重點,令學童清楚明白課堂的內容,方便學童日後自己再重溫。
13 t45153 [F] (2017-06-01)
你好!我是欣欣。我在理工大學英文系畢業。今年剛在浸會大學完成教育文憑。同時,我去年於中學做過1年半職老師,現於英文小學作為一名全職老師,主要教授英文,數學,中文,常識,視藝和其他課外活動。在高中至大學期間,曾做了5年義務老師,為中小學生提供上門補習和作為到校課後班導師。我喜歡小朋友同青少年相處,了解他們的需要和強弱項。我衷心希望可`以為貴 子女提供補習喔。我星期一至三 5PM 後,六全日,日下午有空!謝謝!
14 t46671 [F] (2017-06-06)
Being a form six student at Maryknoll Convent School, I am competent in English. I have been excelling in this subject since I was in primary. I have taken Literature in English in my senior form and have been getting satisfactory results. Although I am not yet an university student, I am confident to assure you my language proficiency. It is therefore my earnest hope that you will consider me as one of your many choices! :)
15 t46742 [F] (2017-06-08)
Nice to meet you! It's Eunice speaking. I have gained a LEVEL 5 IN ENGLISH FROM S4 TO S6 and an OVERALL BAND SCORE OF 7.5 IN IELTS. Teaching in English is provided upon request. I have just taken the HKDSE Examination and am going to graduate from Sacred Heart Canossian College in a few months. Having been volunteering at the Caritas (明愛) for around 4 years, I have been, not only tutoring, but also learning with my dearest students (P.1 - P.6) on the ground that I guide him and her and, most importantly, accompany them through their journeys of acquiring knowledge, and vice versa as well.
16 t46750 [F] (2017-06-10)
您好!本為香港科技大學工商管理學系女一年級生。曾就讀傳統名校張祝珊英文中學。本人於2016 DSE英文考獲5**! 閱讀5*寫作5*聆聽5*會話5**,本人十分熟悉最新的文憑試技巧及過去英文卷的內容,重點等等。中文也考獲5級佳績,中文會話更有5**。現在己有一年補習經驗,學生來自嘉諾撒書院,聖保羅男校等。再者,本人能提供大量名校筆記及練習。望能幫助貴子弟。