編號: c79606
刊登日期: 2016-05-11 15:30:18
學生性別: F
地址: 第一街, 西營盤 
學生程度: 小一
補習科目: 英文 Oral
補習資料: 六/日待議
星期六至日: 每星期1堂, 每堂1.00小時, 每小時120至120元
特別要求: 女導師, 請列明可上課日子時間

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  導師編號 留言時間及內容 競投學費
1 t28134 [F]
你好,本人畢業於Griffith University,為一所澳洲學校。配為全職導師。本人已有四年的補習經驗,而對學生之間彼此的相處必定非常融洽,另外,亦能針對學生的弱點使用不 同的教學方法,幫助學生輕易掌握學習各科的精要。本人亦會以生動的型式教導學生務求令課堂變得更生動,尤其針對學習會話的學生 此外,本人對學生有愛心及耐性,亦對教學十分認真盡責。故希望 貴家長能考慮本人為其子女 補習,如獲聘用定必盡力教導。謝謝。
2 t45532 [F] (2016-04-26)
外籍人士,擁有英基名校與國際學校經驗,本人曾在小學至初中期間在外國讀國際學校, 高中也是就讀IB課程的私校,選擇了歷史為higher level。此外,本人曾在模擬聯合國學會,也去過新加坡的conference,也在歷史奧林匹克中代表香港參賽。我有信心幫助學生培養常春藤名校氣質。 本人有1+年經驗,曾教授過多所英基期下國際學校學生音樂,古箏和各類科目。本人對於語文的理解非常深入,加上有趣的教學模式,我相信我們會共同創造美好的進度,而且完全按照學生的意願選擇課程內容。 I am Hallveig GW who is a Jewish Russian-Indonesian mixed-race Hong Konger, native english speaker, I study in international school in Israel and Hong Kong, I am able to teach GCSE, IB. I specialize in history, music, and English, have taught students from ESF, my teaching method is relaxing and very easy to learn things while playing games.
3 t11436 [F] (2016-04-28)
我是最佳人選。 平日時間可。
4 t45618 [F]
5 t45633 [F]
I am currently a Year 2 Law student at Keele University, UK. I have gained an overall result of 5* in English in HKDSE. (Reading 5, Writing 5**, Listening 5 and Oral 5**) with IELTS in 7.5. I have participated into different inter-school speech competitions and received numerous awards. With years of exposure to English has allowed me to acquire fluency in English and lucid writing abilities. I am patient and capable in taking good care of and communicating with children effectively.
6 t45710 [M]
您好,本人在家指導P.4級的弟弟指導功課及協助溫習各科,因此十分了解小學考試出題方向及模式,課程絕不「離地」,緊貼考核重點,配合「字詞法」及「聯想法」等小方法及口訣使學生能清析地解題,掌握重點,縮短30%答題時間,提高使學生答題準成度,而簡潔易明的方法使學生以最少的「腦」力最得取一定的成效。另外本人於高中時f.4-f.6英文、中文、英文、通識及地理皆位列全級top4-8%,,英文會話更位列全級top2%(全級約145人),深信學生能從本人的分享及指導下取得最大的進步。 您好!本人之教學方法由曾讀過哈佛、劍橋和牛津大學的顧問所研究,同時受考評局(HKEAA)認同,乃10A8A6A5**狀元取得成功之關鍵。以下為小部份例子。  中文科 ~~~~~閱讀卷:以「邏輯思維法」逐步拆解長題目 3個月時間答閱讀卷題目之準成度至少可以提高3-4倍。避免回答冗長使答題時間亦能縮短至少50%。 ~~~~~寫作卷:以「貼題法」以突出題目字 透過「排比法」及「成語法」等自然出題目字,貼題度上升至少20%  英文科* ~~~~~寫作卷:至少40組百搭句式及150個百搭詞語運用入寫作卷之中 文章結構完整度及豐富度大幅上升,6個月寫作分數至少改善55%,輕鬆於DSE作文卷取足21/21滿分。 ~~~~~閱讀卷:教導透過連接詞如何在閱讀卷中尋找答案 尋找答案時間大大減少60%,答中率升至少50%,在DSE取得5**無難度。
7 t45618 [F]
8 t23765 [F]
Hi, I am Fonnie. I was graduated from Rosaryhill School. I got an A1 at HKCEE and B5 at HKALE in the English language. I have studied at The University of Wolverhampton (UK) and Chinese University for Law and Translation. I am qualified as AIL from the London Institute of Linguists. I speak and write fluent English, French, Mandarin and Cantonese. I am Canadian Chinese and have lived and studied overseas for a period of 15 years. Now, I have about 8 years of FULL-TIME experience on tutoring advanced English, elementary French and Chinese. I am punctual and stable and passionate in teaching languages at all levels. Our medium of instructions shall be in English. I am available anytime on Saturdays. My requested hourly wage is $120. Many thanks!
9 t43660 [F]
本人 (女)於英國留學八年,現為香港大學社會科學學院三年級學生。 在GCE AL 考試中,於數學及地理科取得A級成績。另外在IELTS考試中取得7.5分。本人有三年教授幼稚園高班至中三學生全科英文及英文會話的經驗。 我相信自己能勝任,敬請考慮。
10 t45720 [F] (2016-06-27)
Been studying in St. Mark's School. Currently a university student who has just finished a foundation course in University of Sussex(UK), achieved with scholarship.(the top one in the class). I am taking a gap year so I will be staying in HK until Sept2017. I have related tutorial experience with primary school students for several years. Teaching with patience and efficiency, especially in English. Provide notes and materials for studying.
11 t29689 [F] (2016-07-10)
I graduated from University of the West of England. I studied Business as my major and I have been tutoring for three years. I am fluent in both Cantonese and English. I am also teaching English in a learning center.
12 t48030 [M] (2019-08-27)
A fluent English speaker: * Always socialise and interact with native speakers in Australia including those people coming from European countries * Being a leader in a local non-profit organisation over 50+ people who are native speakers and collaborate on projects * Worked as an accounting intern using English as a medium of communication * Mentored new chef on food preparation and order management in a local restaurant in AUS and working with native English speakers My lessons aimed for: • Professionals seek to improve their English speaking for interview and career advancement • Students who do not have too much opportunities to speak English and seek to top up their speaking abilities
13 t48030 [M] (2019-09-02)
A fluent English speaker: * Always socialise and interact with native speakers in Australia including those people coming from European countries * Being a leader in a local non-profit organisation over 50+ people who are native speakers and collaborate on projects * Worked as an accounting intern using English as a medium of communication * Mentored new chef on food preparation and order management in a local restaurant in AUS and working with native English speakers My lessons aimed for: • Professionals seek to improve their English speaking for interview and career advancement • Students who do not have too much opportunities to speak English and seek to top up their speaking abilities
14 t48030 [M] (2019-09-04)
A fluent English speaker: * Always socialise and interact with native speakers in Australia including those people coming from European countries * Being a leader in a local non-profit organisation over 50+ people who are native speakers and collaborate on projects * Worked as an accounting intern using English as a medium of communication * Mentored new chef on food preparation and order management in a local restaurant in AUS and working with native English speakers My lessons aimed for: • Professionals seek to improve their English speaking for interview and career advancement • Students who do not have too much opportunities to speak English and seek to top up their speaking abilities