編號: c78804
刊登日期: 2016-02-05 14:10:45
學生性別: F
地址: 渣甸山, 大坑 
學生程度: 中七
補習科目: GCE Economics/Chemistry/Further Mathematics
補習資料: GCE A-Level Chemistry, Economics, Maths, Further Maths, Personal Statement
星期一至五: 每星期1堂, 每堂1.50小時, 每小時150至400元
星期六至日: 每星期1堂, 每堂1.50小時, 每小時150至400元

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1 t45195 [F]
I got A for 5 HKCEE subjects including English and Mathematics. I have studied overseas for over 10 years (New Zealand and USA). Got full score for SAT & GRE Mathematics sections. Got 800/800 for SAT Chemistry. Got straight As for university Chemistry and Mathematics. My undergraduate major was Biochemistry in the United States. Then I studied in an Ivy League Medical school before pursuing a law degree in Hong Kong. Currently, I am doing PCLL the final year of law degree in Hong Kong. I did private tutoring for (IB, GCE, SAT) Chem, Bio, Phy, Math, Statistics, English and Mandarin for many years. After coming back to Hong Kong, I have been teaching Biology, Chem, Phy and Maths for a long time in one of the most famous tutoring center in Hong Kong as a part-time tutor.
2 t41394 [F] (2016-01-25)
Major in Chemistry, 4 years tutoring experience
3 t16674 [M] (2016-01-25)
你好,本人為 (1)現職中學數學及物理科老師; (2)畢業於香港大學數學及物理系(double major); (3)於中文大學完成學位教師資歷(major in Maths,minor in physics); (4)為合資格中學學位教師; (5)於會考獲得4A ;其中數學、附加數學、化學及物理獲得A; (6)高考純數及物理獲得A; (7)本人具有十年補習經驗,包括私人補習及學校補習; (8)亦曾有補國際學校學生及外國留學生的經驗; (9)本人對教學有熱誠、有耐性、 認真及有條理; (10)知道學生感到課程困難之處,並能指出重點; (11)本人亦可提供【大量練習及題目】; (12)期望時薪為$400/h
4 t01515 [M]
本人是現職BAND 1 英文中學教師,並為科主任豐富補習經驗....精補DSE,IGCSE,IB ECON 、初中人文學科及通識學生有A**,5** LV8成績,大量ECON/LS NOTES,QUESTION BANK 及EXERCISES,更有多年批改公開試經驗...門生不乏名校生.口碑載道..而學生更有明顯進步及成功掌握方法,時間價錢可再議,故懇請考慮∼
5 t21515 [M] (2016-01-29)
I am a full time private tutor and I have over 10 years teaching experience. Currently I am teaching Chemistry, Physics and Maths in an Education Center in Causeway Bay. I have many HKDSE/IGCSE/GCE/IB students who come from King's College, St Paul's College, Wah Yan College and Singapore International School, etc. I am familiar with chemistry, physics, maths (core/M1/M2) and I can provide a lot of exercises and papers for student practice.
6 t05781 [M]
15 years teaching experience in band 1 secondary schools. Doctor in mathematical physics. P.C.Edu. (HKU) 9 years tutoring experience. Experienced in tutoring GCE maths and further maths. HKCEE Phy (A), Chem(A), Bio(A), Math(A). GCE A-level Phy (A), Chem(A), Math(A).
7 t05781 [M]
15 years teaching experience in band 1 secondary schools. Doctor in mathematical physics. P.C.Edu. (HKU) 9 years tutoring experience. Very experienced in tutoring maths. and further maths. HKCEE Phy (A), Chem(A), Bio(A), Math(A). GCE A-level Phy (A), Chem(A), Math(A).
8 t40983 [F]
本人畢業於地區傳統英文中學,校內成績卓越,並曾獲區內傑出學生以及九龍地域優秀學生之殊榮,對學習有一套獨有的心得,對學生面對HKDSE有實戰的鞭策作用.本人在HKDSE的ECON以及BAFS分別取得5**和5*的佳績,現在為港大 經濟及金融系三年級生.實力有目共暏.希望貴 家長能給予我這個機會,培養更多優秀學生,把堅持薪火相傳!