編號: c76478
刊登日期: 2015-08-10 00:15:02
學生性別: F
地址: 近龍門居, 屯門 
學生程度: 小六
補習科目: 英文oral
補習資料: 任何1天,每堂 1小時, 平日5.00pm或以後, 六/日待議
星期六至日: 每星期1堂, 每堂1.00小時, 每小時150至180元
特別要求: 女導師

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  導師編號 留言時間及內容 競投學費
1 t43460 [F] (2015-07-16)
你好! 本人為香港城市大學工商管理學士課程一年級學生,中學就讀觀塘區band 1名校,校內成績良好,中文,英文與通識成績尤其出色,英文科更在香港中學文憑考試輕鬆考獲以下成績: 閱讀卷5** 寫作卷5** 聆聽卷5** 說話卷5** 除此之外,本人 曾有幸領取全額獎學金到美國紐約交流一年,故更能幫助學生學習英文及地道的英文發音,若有需要也可以英文作主要授課語言. 會提供筆記,練習. 除個別科目補習外亦提供全科補習及跟功課服務 具教授學生經驗 歡迎查詢 ;)
2 t40803 [F]
本人於,F.5 往英國讀書,現為香港大學Social Sciences Year4學生.在HKCEE 英文獲得5. IELTS 平圴分有7.5, Speaking更獲8.5分,能操流利英語,我相信自己有能力勝任.敬請考慮
3 t44468 [M] (2015-07-25)
Hi I have studied in UK for 4 years during high school and I have obtained AAB in Chemistry, Biology and Maths in GCE A-level; as well as AAAAA in Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Physics and Maths in GCSE O-Level. I am now studying HKU BSc. Surveying. I am different from other tutors because I have past experience on the GCE and GCSE course before. I am also fluent in English so I have no problem in teaching in English. I have experience in teaching primary students in group and IGCSE Chemistry student.
4 t34896 [F] (2015-08-03)
本人於香港理工大學畢業,現全職補習。有三年私人補習及小組輔導之經驗, 懂得有技巧地指導學生, 有耐性地助他們汲取課堂上之知識, 亦會提供額外補充及筆記。
5 t18346 [F] (2015-08-12)
 8年私人補習及教授鋼琴經驗, 本科畢業香港大學, 碩士畢業香港中文大學, 能英語授課, 可準備教材 (例如: 英文報紙, 網上新聞), 居於屯門碼頭.
6 t20421 [F] (2015-08-12)
您好!本人現為港大生,主修心理(對兒童心理最感興趣),成績優異,會考23分,中英各為A及B;高考中英文同為 B級,會考高考中英寫作等科全為A級。大學期間獲得獎學金,到英國大學讀書。本人有五年小組及私人補習經驗,精於教授英文文法,能操流利中英語及普通話,懂普通話及英文拼音。Distinction in Speech Festival and drama festival. Fluent in English to tell stories dramatically.
7 t41772 [F] (2015-08-19)
你好,本人畢業於順德聯誼總會梁銶琚中學,現就讀於?生管理學院。本人在高中修讀英語戲劇。畢業後,擔任學弟妹朗誦節英語戲劇導師。另外,本人亦曾為幾名中二學生補習英文,並提升至及格水平。 本人善於幽默講解課文,並且有耐性指導發音及其口音,對教學充滿熱誠,樂意解答學生所有問題,並積極為學生奪佳績。 本人有在補習社工作及私補經驗, 並可以普通話授課。
8 t44771 [F]
本人畢業於美國加利福尼亞大學戴維斯分校, 在美居住近六年時間, 精於教授數理科, 英文科和普通話科. 本人經有2年的補習經驗, 能針對小一至中三程度的學生,訂制出適合的教育方案, 並且運用英語教學, 令各位學生的英語會話更上一層樓.
9 t38879 [F] (2015-09-03)
本人畢業於保良局董玉娣中學,現就讀於香港理工大學,主修食物安全與食品科技。本人曾有2年私人補習經驗,有耐性,居住屯門碼頭。DSE中英文通識成績達level 5,其中中文聆聽能力和綜合能力達5**及5*。本人能因應學生需要自備補習筆記及練習,希望能協助 貴子女改善學習成績。
10 t39407 [F]
你好,本人就讀於香港中文大學護理系四年級,乃香港中學文憑試第一屆考生,因此熟諳新制的考試制度,故可對同學在考試方面有更全面的準備並作出教授,另外我更會提供額外練習供同學操練。本人過往一直有豐富的補習經驗,特別是教授小學生的經驗為多,故相信有能力去應付同學在功課及考試上的問題。本人是一個有耐心、有熱誠的導師,相信定可憑著耐心教授貴同學,故懇請閣下給予機會。 可補時間: 星期一、三、四:晚上7:30後 ;星期六日:任何時間
11 t39407 [F]
12 t45431 [F]
Hi! My name is Chloe. I am a year 2 who are studying in PolyU HKCC. I got level 5 in DSE English Reading and I am good at oral speaking. I got a good faith that I can provide you an interesting learning experience and enhance your futher English achievement. Also, I can share some precious academic experience if you want to. You can contact me if you are interested. Thanks
13 t45493 [F]
親愛的家長,本人於2015年香港中學文憑考試中,中文作文與綜合均奪得5*,英文考得優秀級別,通識亦考獲5級水平。本人現就讀大學一年級,為文學士。為人勤勉認真、體貼周到、能幹上進,亦懂得因材施教,而且曾於教會為小朋友補習2年多。再者,本人畢業於英中名校。本人承諾盡我所能,提供精美筆記,使到課堂變得有趣且實用。本人全星期全日皆可,惟星期五夜晚6時後例外。暫定收費為$180-$200/小時,可再議,望能給予機會。本人深信能勝任有餘。如想取得更多資訊,請向Hot Tutor查詢,多謝﹗
14 t40869 [M]
本人為愛丁堡大學碩士畢業生,考獲CFA 2級,擁有多年補習經驗,學生來至小學至高中。由於本人之中英文口試在會考及高級程度會考中均取得A,故有幸獲母校邀請當英文口語導師。 另外,本人亦擅長教授高中會計及經濟,希望閣下能賜予機會,本人定當竭力授課。
15 t48030 [M] (2019-08-27)
A fluent English speaker: * Always socialise and interact with native speakers in Australia including those people coming from European countries * Being a leader in a local non-profit organisation over 50+ people who are native speakers and collaborate on projects * Worked as an accounting intern using English as a medium of communication * Mentored new chef on food preparation and order management in a local restaurant in AUS and working with native English speakers My lessons aimed for: • Professionals seek to improve their English speaking for interview and career advancement • Students who do not have too much opportunities to speak English and seek to top up their speaking abilities
16 t48030 [M] (2019-09-02)
A fluent English speaker: * Always socialise and interact with native speakers in Australia including those people coming from European countries * Being a leader in a local non-profit organisation over 50+ people who are native speakers and collaborate on projects * Worked as an accounting intern using English as a medium of communication * Mentored new chef on food preparation and order management in a local restaurant in AUS and working with native English speakers My lessons aimed for: • Professionals seek to improve their English speaking for interview and career advancement • Students who do not have too much opportunities to speak English and seek to top up their speaking abilities
17 t48030 [M] (2019-09-04)
A fluent English speaker: * Always socialise and interact with native speakers in Australia including those people coming from European countries * Being a leader in a local non-profit organisation over 50+ people who are native speakers and collaborate on projects * Worked as an accounting intern using English as a medium of communication * Mentored new chef on food preparation and order management in a local restaurant in AUS and working with native English speakers My lessons aimed for: • Professionals seek to improve their English speaking for interview and career advancement • Students who do not have too much opportunities to speak English and seek to top up their speaking abilities
18 t48790 [F]
你好,本人現在就讀香港城市大學,二年級。本人曾教導小一和小四及在補習社擔任導師。本人有充足的耐心,希望能教導及幫助到小朋友。TOEIC 獲得最高等級。