編號: c75794
刊登日期: 2015-05-13 10:34:46
學生性別: M
地址: 南豐中心, 荃灣 
學生程度: 小二
補習科目: 英文oral
星期一至五: 每星期1堂, 每堂1.00小時, 每小時350至350元
特別要求: 男女外籍導師

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  導師編號 留言時間及內容 競投學費
1 t41604 [F]
2 t41604 [F]
3 t42621 [F]
本人為大學三年級生,曾於澳洲新南威爾斯大學交流;中學時期主修理科,高中專修生物化學和數學及統計學。大學數學及統計學課程獲A級成績,高考中國語文及文化科文化部分獲B級,聆聽更達A級成績;會考中英均獲Level 4(閱讀及寫作能力尤佳),而數學亦獲C級成績。本人自小擁有語言天分,對語文及數學甚有興趣,小學時曾為奧數隊員,能操流利純正廣東話及普通話,於朗誦比賽中數獲佳績,定能以清楚表達及解釋。另外,本人對學習頗有心得,除多次獲學業獎外,亦曾獲得「全港學界最佳進步獎」;本人現於課餘時間替中、小學生補習(私人及補習社),主補中英數,對小朋友富有愛心及耐性,擅用軟硬兼施手法教導學生,本著「學會自學」的宗旨,引起其學習興趣。本人自小以英語學習數學科,對英文版本之數學科十分熟悉,確信有能力勝任,敬請考慮,若有問題可致電或電郵查詢。 補習時間另議(6月15-28日不在港)。
4 t15610 [F] (2015-06-05)
5 t15610 [F] (2015-06-05)
6 t41604 [F]
主攻 :  英語會話,曾任空姐,英國回流,全職導師 本人以熱誠,耐心,認真的教學態度,及自編的教材,記字方法,按程度分類,並包涵各類課題,靈活,及互動式的話題,增潻同學們的課堂興趣!鼓勵及協助他們輕鬆地,在課堂上以英語表達、溝通。不時的讚許來增加他們的自信心。 家長當然希望子女能在活學互動,開心的情況下,學好英語。 而本人在這快 7 年全職導師中,由 K2 的小朋友,至中六的同學,及成人的學生都有教授過,家長們對我的滿意度是 100% 的!相信你們將會是其中的對我信任者! If you want to improve,achieve your communication and interactive  skills in English. Up grade your vocabulary & with confidence to speak it out. I will be the right person that without failing you !  ** Sat. Or Sun.
7 t40212 [F]
本人於沙田區BAND 1英中聖羅撒書院畢業(F.1-5).曾於美國留學兩年,其後畢業於加拿大University of Toronto。本人海外留學經驗豐富,能操流利英語。在會考中的中國語文、英國語文和數學皆取優良成績。本人補習經驗豐富,在中學時已為低年級同學和小學生補習。因此,我相信自己能擔當一位稱職的補習導師,敬請考慮! 對象: 小一至小六:全科 小一至中六:中、英、數 小一至成人:英文會話
8 t44256 [M]
9 t44256 [M]
I am a freshman in HKU who can speak native English and Chinese. I have written a few posts for SCMP Young Post and achieved excellent results in English in the HKDSE. I have been teaching since highschool and am experienced in helping people with their English.
10 t36907 [M]
你好,本人為香港大學4年級學生,修hku修讀English Studies及Linguistics, 另一degree是Bachelor of Education (Language education - English) (我所修讀的是BA & BEd). 我於2012高考的英運語用(Use of English)獲B grade成績 (其中Writing A, Speaking A, Listening A, Reading B) ,於2010 會考的英文(English)更獲得Straight 5* 成績(會考5*為最高的成績)(Reading A, Writing A, Speaking A, Listening A) 英文絕對是我一科十分有把握的科目。本人於學習英語上有很多心德,希望能教導別人,讓學生能得以學習,能在英語運用上(4方面)也有更好的表現。), 而自己本身也有約兩年教授英文的經驗.
11 t43165 [M]
補習簡介 ///學歷/// 本人為2014年第三屆文憑試考生,於油尖旺區BAND 1英中九龍華仁書院畢業,正就讀香港科技大學工商管理系二年級,熟悉文憑試的制度。高中時亦有修習Physics, Chemistry, Economics, 因此對理科有深入理解。 ///英文能力/// 本人從小就讀以英文授課的中、小學,英文能力及會話不俗,能操流利英式口音英文,亦可以跟學生分享香港學生學習英文的困難和心得。 ///經驗及教材/// 本人現有為高中及小學生補習英文及數學,經本人指導後,學生成績以及班中的名次均有所提升。除時以外,我有為學生編寫高中英文教材,讓學生更容易理解且溫習。我亦有大量英、數、化學及經濟科的教材及練習,好使學生更熟習考試題目。 ///可教科目/// 英、數、化學、經濟及英文會話
12 t44968 [F] (2015-09-24)
你好。本人於加拿大回流,操流利英語,並於加拿大McMaster University 主修經濟畢業。於中學時期修讀理科。 本人為小學學生補習經驗豐富,富責任感及以生動形式上課。
13 t44968 [F] (2015-09-24)
你好。本人於加拿大回流,操流利美式口音英語,並於加拿大McMaster University 主修經濟畢業。為中學學生補習英語文法及回話經驗豐富。富耐心及責任感。
14 t32711 [F] (2016-01-17)
I have graduated from Northumbria University (UK), in 2010. I've also studied in the US. I'm currently teaching in an international kindergarten in Central District with a Postgraduate diploma in Education. I have been teaching over 4 years, I'm capable to adjust lesson according to student's level. I've had students from Kindergarten to Secondary levels.
15 t45287 [F] (2016-01-21)
本人於美國大學畢業, 獲授獎學金, 成績優越, 美國做事多年, 外國回流, 中學是Band 1。 本人具多元文化及國際視野,能提高學生的學習興趣和思考能力,關心學生考試成績,定能幫助學生獲得理想成績。此外,本人個性開朗健談 , 在美國具有英文補習及教導兒童主日學經驗 , 助其解決學術上的困難, 相信本人可以勝任此工作。謝謝!
16 t32711 [F] (2016-01-25)
I have graduated from Northumbria University (UK), in 2010. I've also studied in the US before. I'm currently teaching in an international kindergarten in Central District. I recently graduated with a Postgraduate diploma in Education. I have been teaching over 4 years and I'm capable to adjust lesson according to student's level. I've had students from Kindergarten to Secondary levels, on a one to one basis.
17 t29791 [M] (2016-06-15)
Hello. I am a recent graduate from Lancaster University in the UK studying French and Linguistics combined major. I have been studying in the United Kingdom since 2007 and I have always been passionate about languages. I did French, German and Italian in GCSE and carried on with French and German in GCE (A-Level) with more than 5 years of experience teaching French/ German/ English (Phonics) in two secondary schools in France, two primary schools in the UK, YMCA HK, KUMON HK and private lessons. Thank you! Earliest availability: 17 July 2016
18 t32711 [F] (2017-02-12)
I'm currently working as a English class teacher in an international kindergarten in Central District. I have graduated with a Postgraduate Diploma in Early Childhood Education and registered as teacher, childcare worker and supervisor. I have studied in UK and the U.S. I have experience teaching children from Kindergarten up to Primary level.
19 t47175 [F]
Hello, I am studying at PolyU year1 design student, and I have good presentation skills for my design. Also, i am very patient and nice with children, feel free to contact me!!!
20 t48030 [M] (2019-08-27)
A fluent English speaker: * Always socialise and interact with native speakers in Australia including those people coming from European countries * Being a leader in a local non-profit organisation over 50+ people who are native speakers and collaborate on projects * Worked as an accounting intern using English as a medium of communication * Mentored new chef on food preparation and order management in a local restaurant in AUS and working with native English speakers My lessons aimed for: • Professionals seek to improve their English speaking for interview and career advancement • Students who do not have too much opportunities to speak English and seek to top up their speaking abilities
21 t48030 [M] (2019-09-02)
A fluent English speaker: * Always socialise and interact with native speakers in Australia including those people coming from European countries * Being a leader in a local non-profit organisation over 50+ people who are native speakers and collaborate on projects * Worked as an accounting intern using English as a medium of communication * Mentored new chef on food preparation and order management in a local restaurant in AUS and working with native English speakers My lessons aimed for: • Professionals seek to improve their English speaking for interview and career advancement • Students who do not have too much opportunities to speak English and seek to top up their speaking abilities
22 t48030 [M] (2019-09-04)
A fluent English speaker: * Always socialise and interact with native speakers in Australia including those people coming from European countries * Being a leader in a local non-profit organisation over 50+ people who are native speakers and collaborate on projects * Worked as an accounting intern using English as a medium of communication * Mentored new chef on food preparation and order management in a local restaurant in AUS and working with native English speakers My lessons aimed for: • Professionals seek to improve their English speaking for interview and career advancement • Students who do not have too much opportunities to speak English and seek to top up their speaking abilities
23 t48258 [F]
自介: I am a native English speaker (American). 您好!本人畢業於香港傳統名校St. Paul's Convent School, 且獲得5所英國名大學offer (Durham, Birmingham, Loughborough, Leeds, Kent). 成績:IELTS 8, DSE (學校預測) English 5**,中文 5*, IGCSE 英文考獲 A*,中文A*,數學A*。此外,本人也曾擔任SCMP YP 記者和學校英語辯論代表,也擁有2年教導幼兒,中小學生經驗(學校,補習機構)。本人精通英語(美式),廣東話及普通話,亦會IPA,Phonics, 拼音。 教學特色: 會以互動交談方式啟發學生多角度思考,並會以度身訂做方法協助學生應付考試,同時也會引入Two-sided Debate,Decoding等專業學習方法促進學生表達組織能力。補習時會營造出有趣互動的環境,會提供筆記,練習及模擬試卷。
24 t15419 [F] (2022-08-16)
Over 20 years of experience in teaching English. Students range from International to Band 1 schools. Graduated at York University in Canada. Finished primary and secondary schools at DGS with grade A in English. Guarantee significant improvement and confident in enhancing students English skills in all areas.
25 t15419 [F] (2022-08-16)
Over 20 years of experience in teaching English. Students range from International to Band 1 schools. Graduated at York University in Canada. Finished primary and secondary schools at DGS with grade A in English. Guarantee significant improvement and confident in enhancing students English skills in all areas.