編號: c74693
刊登日期: 2015-03-09 11:50:33
學生性別: M
地址: 加州豪園Royal Palms, 元朗 
學生程度: 文憑/高級文憑/學士/公開大學
補習科目: 英文Oral
補習資料: 任何1天,每堂 1.0小時, 平日4.15pm或以後
星期一至五: 每星期1堂, 每堂1.00小時, 每小時350至350元
特別要求: 外籍老師,男女均可,請列明可上課日子時間

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  導師編號 留言時間及內容 競投學費
1 t44035 [F] (2015-02-12)
2 t44014 [M]
Hello, I am a recent Graduate from the United Kingdom, having studied and lived in the UK for the past 6 years with native standard of English, as well as being fluent in Cantonese and Mandarin. I have experience in teaching kids from P1 all the way to S5, ranging from volunteering services to private tutoring. I am confident to provide a good standard as well as an enjoyable environment for the children more than merely learning a foreign language. I am also trained with phonetics and have other techniques developed from years of experiences to make teaching as effective as possible.
3 t44014 [M]
Hello, I am a recent University Graduate from the University of Durham, United Kingdom, having studied and lived in the UK for the past 6 years with native standard of English, as well as being fluent in Cantonese and Mandarin. I have experience in teaching kids from P1 all the way to S5, ranging from volunteering services to private tutoring. I am confident to provide a good standard as well as an enjoyable environment for the children more than merely learning a foreign language. I am also trained with phonetics and have other techniques developed from years of experiences to make teaching as effective as possible.
4 t37697 [F] (2015-02-12)
Three years of tutoring experience. Year 3 student of the Hong Kong University as a major of Bachelor of Arts(English Studies and Linguistics).Heavy American accent. Part-time NET at local kindergartens,. Currently tutoring other secondary school students for English Oral. Available on Friday at 6pm.
5 t41188 [F]
BA ENG & BEd ENG EDU double degree programme graduate. Registered teacher. Almost 5 ears of experience teaching local primary and secondary school. Now I am a teacher of a direct subsidised school.
6 t43652 [M]
7 t41381 [M] (2015-02-24)
本人自小已接觸英語。在小學和中學時候都在香港的國際學校讀書。大學時期在美國主修心理學,已有兩年敎導小朋友的經驗,以往有幫助學生作入學面試及履歷預備。本人亦擁有Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)敎師資格。本人能教授英文listening, reading, writing 和speaking 的技巧。
8 t11708 [F]
In-service English Teacher Educational background: Bachelor of Arts (English Studies) and Bachelor of Education (Honours) (English Language Education) Graduate Schools: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, York University (Toronto) Subjects taught: English Grades taught: Form 1 to Form 6 Previous working experience: The Diocesan Boys’ School (Secondary Division), St. Francis' Canossian College, S.K.H Lui Ming Choi Secondary School, the MCHK Wesley College, Buddist Sin Tak College
9 t41143 [F]
Hello Im Priscilla, a year two BBA student studying in Hong Kong Shue Yan University. Majority of the students think that English language is a subject that requires long developed interest and can't be improved drastically in a short time. Whereas through my own unique method, English can still be improved by leaps and bounds. During my 6 years of studies in St Paul's Secondary School which is using English as a medium for teaching in all subjects except Chinese. My profound comprehension towards English has been developed.
10 t15419 [F] (2015-03-12)
Available Tuesday 4:30-6:30 Overseas University graduated in Canada. Lived and studied abroad with fluent English. Studied at DGS with grade A in English. Over 15 years of teaching English to primary and secondary students including band 1 and international schools. Confident in enhancing students' interest in learning through effective teaching methods. Guarantee significant improvement in Reading, Writing, Comprehension, Grammar, Listening and Oral Speaking.
11 t43652 [M]
我擁有英國國籍,在美國大學畢業,主修心理學和社會學。 中學主修理科。 我的GPA為3.58。英文在美國大學更是全屆第一。擁有超過五年的補習經驗。我同時也在各個領域獲得了不同的獎項,如公開演講和音樂節。我自小學習英文,能操流利的英文。我曾在聖文德小學任教英文拼音,對於教法絕對沒有問題。此外,我住在中環,地理位置接近補習地點。
12 t43371 [F]
你好,本人為中文大學2年級文科生。居住港島區。 擅長英語,有給學生補英語的經驗。 自幼入讀Band 1英文名校 銅鑼灣聖保祿學校 (由幼稚園到中學), 中學以 DSE 英語 5* 的成績畢業。 英文寫作為 5**, 英文oral 及閱讀為5*, 英文聆聽與綜合能力為 5。 中學時期,常參與英文辯論比賽,多次獲選為「最佳辯論員」("The Best Debator")。 此外,從小學到中學,曾參加多屆香港學校朗誦節舉辦的獨誦比賽,並獲獎亞軍、以及多個優越獎。
13 t40335 [F] (2015-04-26)
I'm a Year 3 student in the Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. I studied in St. Paul's Co-educational College (聖保羅男女中學) before going to the UK for high school. I am a native speaker of both British English and Cantonese. I have achieved 8.0 in IELTS (8.5 in speaking) and Grade A in both GCSE English Language and English Literature. I am cheerful, patient, passionate in teaching, and am good with kids. I have tutored English for several primary school and secondary school students. Weekday afternoons are fine for me, but weekends are preferred.
14 t43554 [F]
Currently a law student with three years of tutoring experience. HKDSE overall 5* in English (English speaking 5**). IELTS at year 2010: 7.5
15 t43165 [M]
補習簡介 ///學歷/// 本人為2014年第三屆文憑試考生,於油尖旺區BAND 1英中九龍華仁書院畢業,正就讀香港科技大學工商管理系一年級,熟悉文憑試的制度。高中時亦有修習Physics, Chemistry, Economics, 因此對理科有深入理解。 ///英文能力/// 本人從小就讀以英文授課的中、小學,英文能力及會話不俗,能操流利英式口音英文,亦可以跟學生分享香港學生學習英文的困難和心得。 ///經驗及教材/// 本人現有為高中及小學生補習英文及數學,經本人指導後,學生成績以及班中的名次均有所提升。除時以外,我有為學生編寫高中英文教材,讓學生更容易理解且溫習。我亦有大量英、數、化學及經濟科的教材及練習,好使學生更熟習考試題目。 ///可教科目/// 英、數、化學、經濟及英文會話
16 t44256 [M]
I am a native speaker studying in HKU. I have written a few posts for SCMP Young Post and achieved excellent results in English in the HKDSE. I have been teaching since highschool and am experienced in helping people with their English.
17 t44590 [F] (2015-07-11)
Hi! I am a HKU student who have high proficiency in English and Cantonese, who graduated from a band 1 prestigious school. I got 5** (the highest rank) in the Diploma of Secondary Education's Chinese and English oral. Besides, I have rich experience in being the Master of Ceremony in both official and unofficial occasion, such as Faculty's talk and party. I also have quite a few close friends from Germany, Canada, and Holland. I believe that I would provide your child a good and comprehensive learning experience on Cantonese.
18 t40212 [F]
本人於沙田區BAND 1英中聖羅撒書院畢業(F.1-5).及後於美國留學兩年,其後畢業於加拿大University of Toronto。本人海外留學經驗豐富,能操流利英語。在會考中的中國語文、英國語文和數學皆取優良成績。本人補習經驗豐富,在中學時已為低年級同學和小學生補習。因此,我相信自己能擔當一位稱職的補習導師,敬請考慮! 對象: 小一至小六:全科 小一至中六:中、英、數 小一至成人:英文會話
19 t40212 [F]
本人於沙田區BAND 1英中聖羅撒書院畢業(F.1-5).及後於美國留學兩年,剛剛畢業於加拿大University of Toronto。本人海外留學經驗豐富,能操流利英語。在會考中的中國語文、英國語文和數學皆取優良成績。本人擁有多年豐富補習經驗,在中學時已為低年級同學和小學生補習。因此,我相信自己能擔當一位稱職的補習導師。現為全職補習導師,敬請考慮! 對象: 小一至中三:全科 小一至中六:中、英、數 小一至成人:英文會話 本人家住將軍澳,地點較為附近,時間可以更為彈性。
20 t45729 [F]
本人為全職導師,畢業於香港中文大學新聞與傳播學院,精補語文(中、英、普)及數理。 擁有8年私人補習經驗,學生遍及本地及國際學校小二至成人30歲,亦可用流利英語或國語上課;同時有4年青年發展工作經驗,擅於與學生溝通,幫助學生發掘專長。 本人有一套自編教材,著重教授課程概念及考試技巧,會按學生進度整合教程。
21 t46173 [F] (2016-09-13)
hello! 本人現就讀香港大學社會科學大一, 於聖保祿中學畢業, 2016DSE英文考穫5**, 其中oral部分5**, IELTS考穫8.5, 熟悉DSE的考法
22 t43371 [F]
IELTS英文overall 8,Listening 8.5,Reading 8,Speaking 8,Written 7,本地native speaker。 HKDSE英文作文 5**,英文oral 5*,英文閱讀 5*,英文聆聽綜合 5。 英國文學、數學、通識、倫理及宗教 4 有多年補習經驗,熱心教學,平易近人,有愛心,樂朗有善。 應屆香港中文大學文學院畢業生出,出身於英小英中名校St. Paul's Convent School,多年英語朗誦、獨誦、演講、辯論 得獎者。
23 t46221 [F] (2016-09-30)
I recently graduated from a Band 1 English Secondary School located in Causeway Bay, and am currently a Year 1 Law Student at the City University of Hong Kong. I achieved 4As in my IAL exam in June 2016 and have also attained A*s in my IGCSE exam English as First Language and English as Second Language. I have wide experiences and great achievements in local English public speaking, solo verse speaking, and debating competitions, which demonstrate my proficiency in English. I also got Distinction in the UK LAMDA (QCF) English Public Speaking Exam. I took up a lot of leadership roles back in my high school, showing that I'm a very responsible, organized, and motivated person. Hence I believe I would be a highly capable and responsible English oral tutor.
24 t44767 [F]
本人為言語病理學榮譽學士生,於dse以及ielts皆考獲理想成績,其中ielts更考獲8分(滿分為9分,相等於dse5**,CEFR C2,dse English oral 亦考獲5**的佳績) ,方便於鰂魚涌授課
25 t47175 [F]
Hello, I am studying at PolyU year1 design student, and I have good presentation skills for my design. Also, i am very patient and nice with children, feel free to contact me!!!
26 t48030 [M] (2019-08-27)
A fluent English speaker: * Always socialise and interact with native speakers in Australia including those people coming from European countries * Being a leader in a local non-profit organisation over 50+ people who are native speakers and collaborate on projects * Worked as an accounting intern using English as a medium of communication * Mentored new chef on food preparation and order management in a local restaurant in AUS and working with native English speakers My lessons aimed for: • Professionals seek to improve their English speaking for interview and career advancement • Students who do not have too much opportunities to speak English and seek to top up their speaking abilities
27 t48030 [M] (2019-09-02)
A fluent English speaker: * Always socialise and interact with native speakers in Australia including those people coming from European countries * Being a leader in a local non-profit organisation over 50+ people who are native speakers and collaborate on projects * Worked as an accounting intern using English as a medium of communication * Mentored new chef on food preparation and order management in a local restaurant in AUS and working with native English speakers My lessons aimed for: • Professionals seek to improve their English speaking for interview and career advancement • Students who do not have too much opportunities to speak English and seek to top up their speaking abilities
28 t15419 [F] (2022-08-16)
Over 20 years of experience in teaching English. Students range from International to Band 1 schools. Graduated at York University in Canada. Finished primary and secondary schools at DGS with grade A in English. Guarantee significant improvement and confident in enhancing students English skills in all areas.