編號: c72938
刊登日期: 2014-10-08 15:51:54
學生性別: M
地址: 海柏花園(馬鞍山站出口), 馬鞍山 
學生程度: 小四
補習科目: 英文Oral
補習資料: 每星期一堂, 每堂1.5小時
星期六至日: 每星期1堂, 每堂1.50小時, 每小時200至250元
特別要求: 外籍人士

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1 t43026 [M]
-== 此導師乃推薦導師, 附合此補習招聘要求. 請按導師ID 檢視導師資料 ==-
2 t43637 [F]
3 t34379 [F] (2015-01-01)
你好,本人是為一位外籍人士申請。他在英國土生土長,已於University of Sheffield畢業,更有英語教育文憑。 上課時間可於平日1900後。
4 t21704 [F]
I have lived overseas for 11 years, hence my spoken English is near native level. I have experience in helping DSE/HKAL/HKCEE students with English Oral (also Hottuor students). I am available after 8pm on weekday evenings and during the day on the weekends.
5 t44022 [F]
本人為中文大學經濟系二年級生,主要教授英語應試和會話技巧,可教 (DSE/IELTS)。本人HKDSE中英均有5*,DSE英文5**,IELTS BAND 8.0,區內著名英文中學畢業。有熱誠,初中時曾是全級90名,靠自己的努力加上私補,一步一步的累積,至高中時中英全級第一,故深明學生困難之處。希望在協助學生應試之餘,亦加強他們對學習的興趣。個人經驗告訴我,先從興趣方面入手,透過閱讀、電影、歌曲學習英語,打好根基;再配合操練,考好成績並非難事。循序漸進地改善英文。有耐性,友善。平日補習。
6 t40335 [F] 星級導師
I'm a Year 3 student in The Chinese University of Hong Kong, majoring in Public Health, Faculty of Medicine. I studied in St. Paul's Co-educational College (聖保羅男女中學) before going to the UK for high school. I am a native speaker of both British English and Cantonese. I have achieved 8.0 in IELTS (8.5 in speaking) and Grade A in both English Language and English Literature. I am cheerful, patient, passionate in teaching, and am good with kids. I have tutored English for several primary school and secondary school students. Weekday afternoons are fine for me, but weekends are preferred.
7 t40335 [F] (2015-04-26)
8 t43460 [F] (2015-07-17)
你好! 本人為香港城市大學工商管理學士課程一年級學生,中學就讀觀塘區band 1名校,校內成績良好,中文,英文與通識成績尤其出色,英文科更在香港中學文憑考試輕鬆考獲以下成績: 閱讀卷5** 寫作卷5** 聆聽卷5** 說話卷5** 除此之外,本人 曾有幸領取全額獎學金到美國紐約交流一年,故更能幫助學生學習英文及地道的英文發音,若有需要也可以英文作主要授課語言. 會提供筆記,練習. 除個別科目補習外亦提供全科補習及跟功課服務 具教授學生經驗 歡迎查詢 ;)
9 t42798 [F] (2015-10-20)
本人是加拿大出生的native English speaker。現於香港理工大學修讀物理治療師課程。曾於德望學校(中學)任補習班導師及參與修訂試卷。有8年以上補習物理化數及英語會話經驗, 可為小學至高中,及國際學校學生補習。畢業於加拿大多倫多名牌大學 (University of Toronto, 2015年全球排名20),主修人類生物學 (Human Biology)。曾就讀本地傳統Band 1英中嘉諾撒聖瑪利書院 (St. Mary’s Canossian College)。多次獲得到"TOP CONTESTANTS"的數學獎項。如有需要可全英語教授。 在加拿大生活8年以上,日常生活均以英語溝通,而且在加留學時亦有到中小學及幼稚園作補習導師的經驗。本人深信能幫助貴子女學術及日常溝通英語會話! 從小培養與外籍人士溝通的能力!
10 t45467 [F]
Hi, I am a Chinese-Canadian and I speak fluent in English, Cantonese and Mandarin. I am a graduate from McMaster University with a Bachelor Degree of Linguistics and Psychology. I have experience in teaching young children with English. I am very patient, responsible and I get along well with children. Thank you for your consideration.
11 t45904 [F]
**P.S. 現正教授多名中小學生。 本人住鳥溪沙,亦有學生在馬鞍山/本人家會所室內圖書館補習。 本人於名校BAND 1英中 德望學校 就讀,並剛完成2016 DSE。本人有私補中小學生經驗。 此外,本人極具耐心和責任心,另亦會自備練習筆記給學生並跟進功課及提升測驗能力,務求令學生更易吸收及容易理解,從而提升學業成績,相信必定能勝任,敬請考慮。 *Hope to be your tutor providing my greatest effort with patience and responsibility. Remarks :有經驗、有耐性、細心、熱愛生動教學、喜歡小朋友、有禮守時、有責任心! 其他技能 樂器﹕ Piano grade 8 distinct Viola grade 8
12 t43103 [F]
本人現就讀浸大傳理三年級 曾考獲 DSE中英文5**成績,強項為中英文閱讀、寫作、聆聽及說話 已有六年導師經驗,對象為高中生為主,有大量試題及應試技巧 有耐性並以鼓勵學生為重
13 t40869 [M]
本人為愛丁堡大學碩士畢業生,考獲CFA 2級,擁有多年補習經驗,學生來至小學至高中。由於本人之中英文口試在會考及高級程度會考中均取得A,故有幸獲母校邀請當英文口語導師。 另外,本人亦擅長教授高中會計及經濟,希望閣下能賜予機會,本人定當竭力授課。
14 t46407 [M]
本人是從美國回流。擁有社會科學的博士學位和學士學位。而碩士則是在工商管理學系。另外擁有會計文憑。成績優異。英語十分流利。任教「文」、「理」、「商」科都沒有問題。 本人擁有十年的教學經驗,並曾任教中、小學。有適當的教學策略幫助學生。學生由幼童至成人都有。 本人現為全科補習老師。多年來,本人幫助「英華書院」,「聖保羅書院」,「聖若瑟書院」等名校學生進行補習,因此非常瞭解各校的要求,亦明白家長及學生需要。本人能為學生提供不同深淺程度的補充練習及各種筆記,務求能協助學生的成績有顯著的提升。
15 t46521 [F]
I am a student from an international school, therefore my English has come near native level. I am currently a student in The University of Hong Kong studying English and Education, and I have experience in tutoring.
16 t48030 [M] (2019-08-27)
A fluent English speaker: * Always socialise and interact with native speakers in Australia including those people coming from European countries * Being a leader in a local non-profit organisation over 50+ people who are native speakers and collaborate on projects * Worked as an accounting intern using English as a medium of communication * Mentored new chef on food preparation and order management in a local restaurant in AUS and working with native English speakers My lessons aimed for: • Professionals seek to improve their English speaking for interview and career advancement • Students who do not have too much opportunities to speak English and seek to top up their speaking abilities
17 t48030 [M] (2019-09-02)
A fluent English speaker: * Always socialise and interact with native speakers in Australia including those people coming from European countries * Being a leader in a local non-profit organisation over 50+ people who are native speakers and collaborate on projects * Worked as an accounting intern using English as a medium of communication * Mentored new chef on food preparation and order management in a local restaurant in AUS and working with native English speakers My lessons aimed for: • Professionals seek to improve their English speaking for interview and career advancement • Students who do not have too much opportunities to speak English and seek to top up their speaking abilities
18 t48030 [M] (2019-09-04)
A fluent English speaker: * Always socialise and interact with native speakers in Australia including those people coming from European countries * Being a leader in a local non-profit organisation over 50+ people who are native speakers and collaborate on projects * Worked as an accounting intern using English as a medium of communication * Mentored new chef on food preparation and order management in a local restaurant in AUS and working with native English speakers My lessons aimed for: • Professionals seek to improve their English speaking for interview and career advancement • Students who do not have too much opportunities to speak English and seek to top up their speaking abilities
19 t15419 [F] (2022-08-16)
Over 20 years of experience in teaching English. Students range from International to Band 1 schools. Graduated at York University in Canada. Finished primary and secondary schools at DGS with grade A in English. Guarantee significant improvement and confident in enhancing students English skills in all areas.